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What can you do as a relative of a gambling addict?

Take care of yourself

Get help

We would like to give you some recommendations. As relatives of a gambling addict, these recommendations can be relieving of the recurring problems and questions in everyday life.

Take care of yourself

Especially when the problems caused by gambling addiction determine your everyday life, think of yourself. Do things you enjoy and plan enough time for it.

Keep on your contacts and friendships

As a relative of a gambling addict, be as open as possible with your situation. Talk to people you trust about your concerns and needs.

Take the problem with the gambling seriously

Trivialising and denying the problems with gambling only promotes the gambling addiction.

Realize that you are not to blame about your relatives about their gambling addiction

Each decision to continue gambling is made by himself.

Do not threaten with consequences that you cannot comply with

In the confrontation with a gambling addict only announce measures that you can and want to enforce.

Do not overwhelm the gambler with reproaches. Talk about your doubts and concerns at a time when you can stay calm. You can also inform your relative about the various counselling centres. If he signals a willingness to accept help in getting out of his gambling addiction, you can offer to accompany him when visiting a counselling center or support group.

Help & support for families and friends

Are you concerned about someone in your environment regarding their gambling behavior? You can also contact us at any time and make us aware of the person’s changed behavior. Please do not hesitate to contact us, we are always available to provide competent and understanding support.

Family and friends who are concerned about a loved one can also contact one of the external counseling and help centers at any time.

Dealing with money and the debt

Do not lend money to gambling addicts.

Do not take over on debts and guarantees, do not pay any invoices. Never give gambling addicts your credit or debit cards. You should revoke the account authorizations of the gambling addict when it is possible.

Get advice how to deal with money and debt in the case of gambling addiction in an addiction or debt counseling service.

As a relative of the gambling addict, ask the gambling provider about the possibility of a third-party ban. This prevents the affected part from any casino in Liechtenstein.

Source: Glückspielsucht – Erste Hilfe für Angehörige, BZgA, 2009, Seite 13ff